Weekly Engineering Managers Meeting

Discuss relevant infrastructure updates, security incidents, learnings, and overall performance across the Engineering department.

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Engineering Intern Interview

Looking for a new Engineering Intern? Check out this template featuring a variety of questions that will help you gauge the quality of your candidate.

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Engineering Manager 1-on-1 Meeting

One important way to check-in with leadership is during a 1-on-1. Check out this template for your 1-on-1 meetings with the Engineering manager.

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Design and Engineering Handoff Meeting

Does your design team meet with the dev team for a handoff meeting? Check out this template to give each team clarity on expectations and next steps.

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Start Stop Continue Retrospective

Help your team focus on concrete actions they can take to improve collaboration, processes and results. Curated by Anna Lurchenko, UX Designer at Google Health.

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SCAMPER Problem-Solving Method

Help your team explore traditional ways of thinking through seven different perspectives with this handy meeting template.

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First 1-on-1 with Developer

Welcome a new Software Developer to your team by getting to know them and setting clear expectations about their new role with this meeting template.

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First 1-on-1 with a Project Manager Meeting

Use this 1-on-1 meeting template for the first meeting with a project manager to clarify priorities, expectations, schedules and set the new PM up for success!

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Backlog Grooming Meeting

Present user stories, break them up into parts, and vote on the number of points for each story to come up with an estimation.

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